We provide first and second level support services on and off-site for solutions and software install bases.

With an extensive System Integration background, our experienced team is enabled to handle TAC Level 1, 2 and 3 (Developer Level) structure to support your existing systems. Able to provide 24x7x365 support facilities, HOLODECK provides tier 1 support services for solutions globally, and using our install base, bring down the TCO to manageable levels in today’s market. Our services are augmented by our own Trouble Ticketing, Workflow Management, Training and Capacity Building and Team Management solutions among others to facilitate your operations and to enable you to get the much deserved good night sleep.

Our support services range across the board from TAC 1 to TAC 3. From providing first level support and opening tickets to mid-level technical support to software development, we are geared for all.

Let’s Get in Touch

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about your business.